Project and Budget Management Information System - PABMIS

SMARTBOOKS Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in developing software products in the field of investment project management with the professional staffs.

Standing out from that is PABMIS - Project and Budget Management Information System – the software managing the finance of investment projects of a province or a sector.

This was one of the 3 best software in the field of e-government was named at the Sao Khue 2016. Also, PABMIS has been one of the pioneer software in this field in Vietnam.

PABMIS was built on cloud computing technology connecting and synchronizing data of Financial Agencies, State Treasury, Investors and project management boards. Up till now, PABMIS has implemented in the Government Office, Lai Chau, Thai Nguyen, Bac Kan, Gia Lai and other provinces.

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SMARTBOOKS won the Sao Khue 2016 award with PABMIS


The PABMIS software model

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