Onsky smart home solution

EverSky7 in association with Quang Trung Software City (QTSC) has unveiled smart home solutions called Onsky.

EverSky7 is a software company and Internet-of-Things (IoT) system integrator focusing on Artificial Intelligence for smart home and building. With Onsky, EverSky7 has been redefining smart home market with its iRoomate™ innovative technology as well as services based on cloud computing for home automation, security and video recording.

The users do not even need to touch a phone or tablet to control his/her smart devices. With its proprietary Artificial Intelligence and multiple embedded sensors, the iRoomate can automatically control lights, air conditioner, heater and fan for energy saving and comfort purposes. The iRoomate can learn user’s preferences and automatically set LED lights up to his/her favorite colors and brightness and adjust air conditioner to his/her comfort temperature.

In addition, the iRoomate is a security center with motion sensor that can detect intruder and send alert to user’s mobile devices. All in all, the iRoomate is a room controller that integrates many smart home features that offer user the best of security, safety, comfort and energy saving.

For more information, please visit http://www.onskyinc.com


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