MiGuards - Security guard management system

The challenges currently faced by security companies involves the time logged in by the guards, incidents captured, guard’s location, and so on. With a view to resolve that issue, QTSC and partners have developed the system of guard control and monitor named MiGuards, which enable better security guard tracking using GPS. The system also uses QR code to help firms keep an eye on guard tours, monitor guards’ activities at every single checkpoint, make sure them to do their tasks constantly and prevent the patrol personnel cheating.

Besides, the system assists security officers in recording and keeping track of the irregular events and incidents, sending real-time alerts (SOS) to authorized personnel for quick solutions and interference.

The MiGuards system also helps QTSC manage the information of security service company and security guard, check their profile and provide data analysis. Even more than that, it supports guard service companies and security service-using firms in the evaluation of the guard’s duty process and quality.

The benefit of the system:

  • Reduce the cost of management and operation.
  • Increase the productivity of security guard and local security.
  • Manage the patrol effectiveness.
  • Detect the urgent security problems.

Hệ thống quản lý và giám sát nhân công - MiGuards

Hệ thống quản lý và giám sát nhân công - MiGuards

Hệ thống quản lý và giám sát nhân công - MiGuards


Mr. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam – QTSC Telecom Center

Email: namnh@qtsc.com.vn      |       Tel: (84) 0888827959 - 0937 279 000

Website: https://www.qtsc.com.vn 

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