Press room

(VNA) - The Quang Trung Software City in Ho Chi Minh City will be developed into a model of digital transformation, according to CEO of the Quang Trung Software City Development Co. Ltd. (QTSC) Lam Nguyen Hai Long.

(NDO) - The Quang Trung Software City in Ho Chi Minh City has inaugurated a museum to exhibit the IT products and solutions created there over the past two decades.

HCM City is focusing on developing smart industrial parks to attract hi-tech businesses and innovative start-ups.

(SGGP) - Quang Trung Software City (QTSC) has already cooperated with technology businesses to develop several suitable technologies in order to increase the performance of the workforce combating against Covid-19 in Vietnam. Many devices are now available to use widely in the community.

HCM City (VNS/VNA) - Enterprises in export processing zones (EPZs) and industrial parks (IPs) should use high technologies to better manage manufacturing processes and improve product quality.

(Vietnamplus) - Representatives from the world’s leading IT corporations are sharing advanced technology trends at the Vietnam IT Conference 2019, which opened in Ho Chi Minh City on October 24.

Si les conférences de 2015 et 2017 ont mis l’accent sur le developpement de logiciels en Asie avec le Vietnam pour numéro un, la conférence de cette année souligne l’objectif à long terme du pays de devenir un centre d’innovation en Asie du Sud-Est.