The delegation of People’s Committee of Go Vap District visits QTSC

In the evening of March 3rd 2020, the delegation of People’s Committee of Go Vap District came to visit Quang Trung Software City.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Huu Nghia – Vice Chairman of People’s Committee of Go Vap District said: the members of the delegation are responsible for developing Go Vap District as a Smart area under the supervision of Go Vap District’s Chairman. Accompanied with District 1 and 12, QTSC was also the first place to pilot the model of Smart City in Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, the purpose of the meeting was exploring the Smart City model and asking for some advice on developing Smart City of Go Vap District.

Mr. Nghia also said that building Smart City will cost a lot of money including operating data center, paying salaries for managing team as well to updating technologies in the near future. Go Vap District’s motto is using the dedicated server rental service and the cloud computing platform to manage the shared database of Go Vap District effectively. At first, the demand storage of Go Vap District will be the data from Smart cameras, connected citizen software,  e-Government. In the future, there will be more data about residential information, urban planning,...

 Visiting the QTSC’s Data Center 

Visiting the QTSC’s Data Center

Mr. Lam Nguyen Hai Long – CEO of QTSC, answered to Go Vap District’s questions: Go Vap District should spend attention to apply smart technologies from small scale, which will be easily to deploy. It can bring benefits for the citizen and also decrease the work pressure for the staff of District. For example, the database of administrative procedures of the e-Government, household registration, civil, the registration of temporary residence or temporary absence, the house numbering,... are simple things that we can do immediately. When the citizen and experts of Go Vap District see the benefit that e-Government could bring for them, they will be more inspired and motivated to perform more difficult things.

At the end of the meeting, the delegation visited the Integrated Operation Center of QTSC (QTSC IOC) and had been introduced about the Smart Video Management System (VMS), QTSC IOC System, Spatial asset management system based on GIS technology. Finally, the delegation visited the QTSC Data Center, learnt about the infrastructure services to deploy the Smart City like: Date center infrastructure services, Cloud computing infrastructure services, information security services,…

 Taking pictures at QTSC

Taking pictures at QTSC

Source: QTSC

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