QTSC implements Free Wi-Fi Service

In the transformation stage from a local software park into a smart city model, since 2016, QTSC has actively applied state-of-the-art technologies to facilitate internal management, such as Face Search - Car Detector System, Helpdesk System, Bike Share System, Environmental Monitoring System, Smart Public Lighting System, Smart Water System, SMS System, etc. This reflects QTSC’s efforts to improve efficiency and uplift our image as an international tech hub.

In November 2018, QTSC is going to implement Free Wi-Fi Service to increase quality of working, studying and living for local citizen. It is also our commitment to create a convenient environment/wastewater where people can enjoy many benefits from latest technologies, empower local community with better services.

Some locations will be applied QTSC Free Wi-Fi initially stated as followed:

  • Helios Building – SBI Building – Hall 6A – QTSC Building 9
  • QTSC Building 1 – Hall 3 – Hall 5 – Hall 8

Through this free service, QTSC will send the latest announcements on convenient services to citizen such as outstanding ICT/tech events; the opening of cafeterias/restaurants newly operated in the park; local activities like sports festivals, singing contests, blood donation days, firefighting rehearsal schedule in buildings,…; and so on.

In the coming time, QTSC will considerably widen the area applying Free Wi-Fi Service and through this service, we eagerly believes it will be a new and useful communication channel in promoting your products and solutions, business activities, as well as recruitment information.

QTSC would like to express our sincere thanks and look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions to make this service more complete. For more information, please contact:

Ms. Thanh Thuy, Strategy & Marketing Department

Phone: (84-28) 3715 8057

Email: thanhthuy@qtsc.com.vn 

qtsc free wi-fi

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