QTSC and partners provide IONE – Solution to identify and extract information automatically

Every day, state agencies and businesses receive many types of documents that need to be re-imported into software. However, it takes hours to retype, input information manually from various forms, papers, documents into the software systems and applications, but it is impossible to avoid errors. Thus, QTSC and FSI have cooperated to provide a solution to identify and extract information automatically, named IONE, for customers who are state agency, enterprise, banking, insurance, etc.

 IONE benefits


  • IONE provides a solution to extract information fields such as issuing agencies, extracting content, dates, number of signs and places, signers, etc. from administrative documents (reports, official letters, decisions, etc.) in order to import into text management software or submission forms.
  • IONE provides full-text identification solution for extracting content of indexed or applied applications for operations; creating searchable PDF files to help users search content directly on these files.
  • IONE identifies and extracts information automatically allowing big data processing in a short time. Input images through modules, API of IONE technology creates documents, metadata to storage or integration with any systems.


  • To identify the Vietnamese with accuracy up to 98%.
  • To digitize schematics and images with accuracy of over 90%.
  • To provide parallel processing with rate of 6s/page.
  • To extract data automatically independent of document types.
  • Be ready to integrate with any IT systems.
  • Machine learning mechanism helps the system to automatically improve accuracy.


Ms. Le Minh Tam, QTSC Telecom

Email: minhtam@qtsc.com.vn                     

Tel: 0888877613

Website: https://www.telecom.qtsc.com.vn  

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