Jetro Yokohama visited QTSC

On the afternoon of December 18th 2017, the Japan External Trade Organization (Jetro) Yokohama and Jetro Singapore visited and had a meeting at Quang Trung Software City (QTSC).

After the brief introduction of QTSC and VNITO Alliance, Ms. Tomomi Endo – Jetro Yokohama also had a presentation about Yokohama. “Yokohama is a favorable location to develop business activities. For example: From Yokohama, it takes only 30 minutes to Tokyo, 1 hour 15 minutes to Nagoya and 2 hours to Osaka by subway. Yokohama has abundant human resources with 30 universities. In addition, the office establishment in Yokohama is only 40% as much cost as Tokyo, and Yokohama also has subsidy programs for startup companies” said Endo.

There are about 6000 production companies and 3000 offices of IT companies located in Yokohama. This is the main strength of the Yokohama economy.

Ms. Tomomi Endo also added that two Vietnamese companies which were NTQ Solution and CMC Corporation have opened their offices in Yokohama in 2017. She called for greater cooperation between IT companies in Vietnam and the IT community in Yokohama.

At the end of the meeting, the delegation visited QTSC Incubator which has been incubating 42 startup companies and TMA Solutions - a Vietnam leading software development company that had branches in USA, Australia and Tokyo – Japan.

Jetro Yokohama visited and had a meeting at QTSC

The delegation took a photo at hall 3, QTSC

Source: Ngoc Hoa - QTSC

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